[7th edition]
Compiled by 'The Group' -- Edited by 'Branton'
continued from Page 5 ........................
"These people in effect are building their own version of 'Noah's Ark'. And that 'Noah's Ark' they're building is underground. Underground bases, indeed all over the world, but particularly here in the United States. Huge underground bases that have actually festooned the underground geography of our continent in a way that would probably stun and shock you. But they even have an underground government, because you see when the government topside is no longer functional because a nuclear bomb lands on Capital Hill, or whether it comes simply because the chaos has reached a point where they must abandon ship, there is prepar- ation as there has been for decades for continuity of government; all the computers, all the personnel are currently in place and operating around the clock. Yes, they are there friends, we have another government in waiting, a government that you never authorized, that you never said we would pay for, that has cost a CALLOSAL FORTUNE, but it's there underground, ready to take over. And indeed, here in our area, I have focused on the Lancaster (CA) area as an example of one of the many... but even in Lancaster in particular, we know for certain are huge underground bases. These are not only places where incredible research is underway but also places where people will go to live when the 'bleep' hits the blades as they say."And, these are places that are capable of supporting on an ongoing basis some tens of thousands of people. And so across the country it may be possible to 'save' an 'elect' remnant of some hundreds of thousands of people who will be the 'cream' of the civilization that is meant to survive the apocalypse or the downfall... or whatever it is that's out there getting us. Us 'mere mortals' will have to fend for themselves. The expectation is, part of the end game is, (that those on the surface) will eventually fight each other into a draw or will die of exhaustion or starvation or brutality. And that eventually the 'mere mortals' will (destroy) themselves and rid the world of excess population, so that the 'cream', the 'remnant' will come forward and claim their 'rightful' place... I must say that there is an immense amount of evidence which does support this exact scenario.
"Let's talk about the term 'aliens', because there are those who claim that there are 'aliens' among us... There are at least... three kinds of aliens represented in the evidence available to us... (he explains these as those presently inhabiting other planetary bodies such as the greys; those hidden among us such as human-like beings who inhabit underground, undersea and in some cases other-planetary regions yet who often walk unnoticed in our societies; and paraphysical entities who inhabit another 'dimension' other than the one we see with our physical sight - Branton) and I think the evidence is very strong that there is a profound 'alien' presence among us... these are people who are here, beings who are here, in large numbers...
"But there is this government that has known about the alien presence for a long time, a government that has been playing an 'end game'. A government that has an agenda of concealment and control, that is operated by terror. In Lancaster, that agenda of concealment and control is what I call the 'Lancaster Syndrome'. It produces strange distortions in many peoples lives... First let me tell you about a man who sits today in Pierce County jail outside of Tacoma, Washington. This man's name is Michael Riconosciuto..."
Lindemann states that Riconosciuto formerly worked for a corporation called Wackenhut which provides special security protection for high-security areas such as the Nevada Test Site. Michael R. claims that the real reason he was sent to jail was because he swore out an affidavit against the Dept. of Justice. In that affidavit he explained that the U.S. Dept of Justice had 'swindled' the private company INSLAW out of a proprietary software called PROMIS. This software was a database designed to track special groups of people according to various characteristics. It was a very powerful, very capable database. INSLAW developed this in the early 1980's and took it to the Dept. of Justice thinking it would be a good law enforcement software. The software would be most useful in helping to track terrorists and other troublemakers. Certain men within the Justice Department realized that if they could get control of the software, according to Michael R., they could sell it to other countries and make huge profits.
"So the Dept. of Justice allegedly made a deal with the INSLAW Corp. for an exclusive on the PROMIS software, and then they drove INSLAW into bankruptcy by refusing to pay. Lindemann continues:
"The amazing thing is that they were caught. And in 1988 BARONS magazine in the April 4th (1991) issue... contained this fairly astonishing piece of news: 'Presiding judge in the bankruptcy hearing was judge George Basing.' According to BARONS, Judge Basing had found that the justice dept. had personally propelled INSLAW into bankruptcy in an effort to steal its PROMIS software through 'Trickery, deceit and fraud.' On Feb. 2, 1988, Basing ordered the justice dept. to pay INSLAW about 6.8 million dollars (no doubt to be ultimately financed by the friendly American taxpayer - Branton). He postponed at that time a decision on punitive damages which could run as high as $25,000,000. And as it happens, all of that is all in appeal. The justice dept. was not at all pleased with that ruling. It does state that justice is in a sorry state in America. If you didn't know that already, I hope this helps you to understand."
Michael was responsible for doing the modifications on the PROMIS software before selling that software to the Canadian government after it was 'stolen' from INSLAW, and so he had an inside track on this information, Lindemann stated.
"He explained that the Dept. of Justice, among other things, prevailed on him in Feb. of this year (1991) NOT to offer his information in the ongoing lawsuit. One Dept. of Justice official by the name of Peter Videnicks stated that IF he would cooperate with this request they could promise him certain benefits..." (including an assurance of a favorable outcome in a prolonged custody battle between Michael R. and his ex-wife).According to Michael R., the Dept., of Justice "'...also outlined specific punishments that I could expect to receive... if I did cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee!'
"Now this is just an indicator," Lindemann states, "that the Dept. of Justice definitely has it's own idea of the meaning of justice."
Michael Riconosciuto went ahead and swore out an affidavit against the Justice Dept. alleging grand larceny against the INSLAW Corp. Lindemann stated that none of the threatened punishments ever came about as they found an easier way to frame him, "...that is, they busted (framed) him for drugs, and now he sits facing a possible life sentence in the Pierce Co. Jail. But because of that he's very, very scared because he knows now that these guys will take-him-out whenever they darn well feel like it. And so he's talking, he's talking in every way he can... In particular we wanted to ask Michael R. something about some of the things going on at the underground bases. I'd like to read you just a little bit of what Michael Riconosciuto told us recently about that. I asked him, what did he know about the underground bases in the Lancaster area. I'm going to quote now our conversation:
"He said, 'Well, there's extensive stuff in... I call it the 'Edwards position', and then at Nellis over in Nevada, and at the Nevada Test Site.' Then he went on to say, 'Last summer I had a group of guys bagging a whole bunch of files and records, and some equipment out of Wackenhut and they had a helicopter loaded to the nuts and they got shot down before they could get out of there.'
"I don't know how many of you noticed,' Lindemann continues, "but there was an article in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, the 24th of July of this year - FATAL COPTER CRASH AT THE NUCLEAR TEST SITE PROBED. This was the most serious accident which had ever occurred in the history of the Test Site. Five people were killed when this helicopter went down, and the FAA and the DOE and the National Transportation and safety board all converged on the Nuclear Test Site to figure out what brought this copter down. But you may be ASSURED that they will never tell you because it was SHOT down by Wackenhut, and it contained two pilots and 3 Wackenhut personnel according to the article in the L.A. TIMES.
"I said, 'I heard about that. Are you saying that that was a group of, let's say, renegades from the inside who were trying to bolt for the blue and WACKENHUT shot them down? Is that your allegation?' And he said,
"And I said, 'Is there anything more that you can say about this?' He said:
"'Not on the phone.'
"I said, 'Were you aware of that before it happened?'
"He said, 'Yes. I told a handful of people that we were hoping to get a big stash of stuff out of there.'
"I said, 'Were they trying to get out of Nellis?'
"He said, 'No, not Nellis, off the Nuclear Test Site.'
"And the information they were trying to get out, what did it pertain to?'
"And he said, 'Guess! I don't even want to talk about it. The worst!'
"And I said, 'The very worst, hugh?'
"And he said, 'yep'.
"Now I don't know of the 'very worst,' do you? I mean I'm not really sure, but it seemed to me, judging from other things that we had talked with Mike about and some of the other things that we've heard from witnesses in the underground bases... the 'very worst' could be one of two main possibilities in my book... The very worst #1) Really nasty, scary alien stuff. The very worst #2) Really nasty, scary bio-tech... bio-engineering stuff. There's all kinds of genetic engineering, some of which has to do with the 'creation' of biological warfare agents, some of which has to do with the 'creation' of strange bacteria, and perhaps new strains of chimpanzees and (perhaps) people. There are very, very weird experiments going on, and I thought, 'O.K., fine, maybe one or the other of those things.'
"But our conversation continued and it leaned in one direction, so let's just see what he had to say next.
"I said, 'One of your associates seemed to indicate that there was technology operating that would have the appearance of flying saucers, but be absolutely terrestrial. Can you comment on that?'
"And he said, 'Sure, we had some propulsion devices that were, let's say, rather astounding.'
"I said, 'Is this stuff operational?' And he said 'Oh, yes, it's operational.'
"I said, 'O.K., so there are vehicles. Would you say that they belonged in the arsenal, or are they part of a sort of gee- whiz lunatic fringe of science?'
"And he said, 'Oh no, they're part of the arsenal. It's not lunatic fringe stuff, it's all well-funded, it's all very real. I've worked on portions of it, I've worked on teams that have worked on this stuff, and I've seen with my own eyes. The only thing that I have been shielded from, is any REAL (alien) contact. That I've never been brought directly in contact with, in fact, that part has been minimized to me.'
"And I said to him, 'In the way you've said that, I get the impression that you assume that there are extraterrestrials (i.e. 'aliens') around.'
"And he said, 'I have no direct knowledge of that, O.K.? That's all. There's alot of strange technology, there's alot of extra-heavy security, O.K.? Anybody who breeches a certain point of security is instantly dead or disappears.
"I said, 'Are you saying that given all the other indiscretions you've shown over the years, that this one would be worst?'
"And he said, 'Yes, I would say so.'
"I said, 'really?'
"He said. 'Yes, Yes! It's like those people who were leaving the Nuclear Test Site, they were summarily blown out of the sky.'
"Now, Michael knew (he was talking on a prison telephone - his phone was tapped) indeed, that people who talk too loud, in too much detail about the actual 'alien' situation are liable to run into severe problems. Being that he's already in prison and a sitting duck, he's obviously very careful with his words. But we have talked with some other people who have been more forthright about what they have actually seen in the underground bases.
"One of our sources is a construction worker. He came out of Vietnam, he was a very decorated Special Forces soldier. Among other things he got the Congressional Medal of Honor. And because he was special forces in the Vietnamese war, when he came back stateside he was offered all kinds of bizarre jobs in top security. He felt that those would be too restrictive so he went into construction instead. But because of his military record he had an inside track on a security clearance. He wound up doing construction in the underground bases.
"Now you see, the underground installations are built just like a building is built. You know, you've got to do electrical conduit, you've got to paint the walls! Whose going to do it? It's not going to be the Secretary of Defense. It's going to be a guy like our guy! It's going to be like this fellow whose got a Congressional Medal of honor and now does special electrical conduiting underground. So he's told us what he saw.
"There's a facility called Haystack Butte, it's on the Edwards (AFB) reservation... (Note: At this point Lindemann shows the audience a map of the area encompassing Edwards AFB, the city of Lancaster and Palmdale to the south -- which is the sight of 542 where the B-2 bomber is assembled, along with alot of other secret aircraft. All of the major aircraft and aerospace companies are located in this area, among other sites. It also showed the Tahachapi facility west of Lancaster, nicknamed the 'Ant Hill', which is administered by Northrup and which is rumored by some to house underground 'disk' hangers for wingless aircraft built by the Secret-Government-Military-Industrial establishment. In the southeast corner of Lindemann's map the Tejon ranch was visible, which is a large cattle ranch that goes up into the area of the Tahachapi range to the southeast of Bakersfield, California. He also pointed out an extensive underground facility maintained by MacDonnell Douglas, and the Helendale Facility administered by Lockheed. In this same general area is Haystack Butte which is 'jointly' administered, with North American Rockwell involved as well - Branton).
"So what we have here is a situation where you've got our major aerospace companies heavily implicated. I mean this is what is meant by the Military-Industrial Complex. These companies are HEAVILY implicated in super, super secret projects, and at the very top they're all cooperating together. All the 'bidding wars' and every thing that you see are like mid- level smoke and mirrors. But at the very top we're talking about projects that are conducted by all these different people pooling their resources, pooling their information, and indeed pooling their money, which comes in incredible profusion from the Black Budget.
"How many of you have seen the book 'BLANK CHECK'?... It is not a UFO book. I strongly recommend that you read the book 'BLANK CHECK' so that you can understand something about how these projects are funded without your say-so, indeed without the say-so of Congress. Most citizens don't know for example that the National Security Act of 1947 made it illegal to ever say how much money is spent on the CIA; indeed all of our tremendous alphabet soup collection of Intelligence Agencies. Whether your talking about the CIA, or the NRO, or the NSA or the DIA, etc., all of them are in the same category.
"You cannot say how much these things cost. All you can do if you want to find out is add-up the numbers on the Budget (which at this writing is at a deficit of well over 4 TRILLION dollars, a large portion of which may have been spent on construction for the 'underground nation' - Branton) that aren't assigned to anything that actually means anything. There are these huge categories that have tens of billions of dollars in them that say nothing but 'Special Projects...' And every year the Congress dutifully passes this bloated budget that has some $300,000,000,000 or more with HUGE chunks of cash labelled like that -- 'Special Projects,' 'Unusual Stuff.' - Ten billion dollars. O.K., well where does the 'unusual stuff' money go? Well, it DOES go to 'unusual stuff', that's for sure, and one of the places it goes is...into the underground bases. Indeed TIM said recently since the publication of his book (BLANK CHECK)... MORE Black Budget money goes into underground bases than ANY OTHER kind of work.
"Now I don't believe that 35 billion, which is the approximate size of the black budget money that you can find by analyzing the budget, I don't think that comes CLOSE to the real figure because there is absolutely unequivocal evidence that a great deal of additional money was generated in other ways, such as the surreptitious running of guns and drugs. And one wonderful example of that is coming to light with the B.C.C.I. scandal which I hope you've heard of... a number of very high-ranking American officials are caught in the undertoe of the BCCI tidal wave... Even though these guys are tying to pull 'fast ones' on an immense scale they are getting caught. These things don't always work. Indeed they are very, very vulnerable.
Indeed this whole 'end game' is very vulnerable and that's why they feel it requires such secrecy. The American people wouldn't stand for this stuff if they had the information, and that's the reason why we have to get the information out and take it seriously because it really is a matter of OUR money and OUR future that's being MORTGAGED here.
"But my friend who worked in the underground bases, who was doing sheetrock was down on, he thinks, approximately the 30th level underground... these bases are perhaps 30-35 stories deep ('ground-scrapers' as opposed to a 'sky-scrapers' - Branton). As I say they are not just mine shafts, these are huge, giant facilities... many city blocks in circumference, able to house tens of thousands of people. One of them, the YANO Facility (we're told... by the county fire dept. director, the county fire dept. chief who had to go in there to look at a minor fire infraction) there's a 400-car parking lot on the 1st level of the YANO Facility, but cars never come in and out, those are the cars that they use INSIDE.
"O.K., so... a very interesting situation down there. Our guy was doing sheetrock on the 30th floor, maybe the 30th floor, underground. He and his crew are working on a wall and right over here is an elevator door. The elevator door opens and, a kind of reflex action you look, and he saw three 'guys'. Two of them, human engineers that he'd seen before. And between them a 'guy' that stood about 8 to 8 1/2 feet tall. Green skin, reptilian features, extra-long arms, wearing a lab coat, holding a clip-board...
"I tend to believe that story because, first of all because we have other stories like it, but more importantly because he walked off that job that very day. And he was getting paid a GREAT deal of money... If your basically a sheetrock kind of guy, if you can do sheetrock in a place like that then you get paid way more than standard sheetrock wages, you can count on it.
"So, he walked off that job. His buddy on that same crew turned into an alcoholic shortly after. This is an extremely upsetting thing. You know, it wasn't like this alien jumped out and bit his head off or anything, it was just standing there for a few minutes, the doors closed. He has a feeling that that elevator was malfunctioning, otherwise he never would have seen that except by accident.
"In another incident though... at the China Lake Naval Weapons Station, up here at China Lake... near Ridgequest... they were working there on the China Lake Naval Weapons Station and walked by a hanger... They walked by a hanger as they were headed for their trucks to leave for the day. And they had parked their trucks in an unusual place, a place they didn't normally park, because it was an extremely hot day and they wanted to keep the trucks out of the sun. So the Security had given them permission to park the trucks in a place that wasn't normal. So they walked by a hanger that they didn't normally walk by, and they looked in, just kind of glanced in, and saw inside a couple of grays working on something. And of course they were, you know, astonished... And an MP came running over and said: 'Hey, you can't be here! What are you doing here?' And they said: 'Well, Security said we could park our trucks here.' And (the Security Guard) says: 'Well that's fine, but you get out of here because you'll get yourself killed!' So they left. But one of the young guys on that crew couldn't leave well enough alone. The guy we've been talking to said, 'Look, I know what you saw, I know what I saw. I know what we saw at Haystack (Butte), it's all for real, I know what's going on, but don't be a stupid jerk. Leave it alone!'
"This kid didn't leave it alone, and very shortly thereafter he was booted off the base, and three months later he was dead under mysterious circumstances. Now of course we can't say that he died 'because' of this. There's a disturbing pattern of people dying however when they see things they're not supposed to... Michael Riconosciuto makes it very clear in his statement to us that if you go past a certain point your dead or disappear, just like that. We've heard that time and time again. Indeed there are a great many people on the 'inside' who are making it clear that they would love to flee, people like these people that apparently were blown out of the sky, the Wackenhut garbage. These are trained (mercenaries) who have seen things they cannot stand, things that turn their stomach, things that make them want to grab evidence and flee for their lives. And they were blown out of the sky, probably by something equivalent to a stinger missile or something like that. And there are lots of people who want to get out.
"Just an example of the way these people talk, one of them said to us, 'I would trade my $100,000.00 a year salary for a job at McDonald's if I could get out alive. There's a certain despair there, a certain feeling of entrapment. You see there are the people who know what's going on and who have created this agenda and have 'bought-into' it entirely, they are enrolled in it, and they believe that they are indeed the 'Olympians'. They have to employ lots of normal humans like us to do the sheet- rocking, to do the grubwork, and those people are in a very bizarre catch-22, because they are given the promise of a salary that they never believed possible. You know... they're going to paint walls all day and they're going to take down a hundred grand a year, this is unusual. That's the up-side of the deal. The down side of the deal is (you know, and they make it very clear)... all these people who get these high security clearances are subjected to INCREDIBLY intimidating indoctrination and intimidation processes... they really do subject these people to tremendous pressure, tremendous intimidation, indeed they do inflict great violence on people (on whom) they 'need' to. They make 'examples' of people..."
In one sense then, there is a growing division taking place between the Constitutionalists of America and the 'Alien' controlled segments within the underground bases. This would also include their human 'pawns' who will apparently do anything, even murder their fellow human beings, in order to continue receiving the technological 'benefits' from their alien masters, to whom they have 'sold' themselves and whose agenda of control and subversion they are serving, whether knowing or unknowingly.
The following is a transcript of parts of a speech presented
by Norio F. Hayakawa, director of the CIVILIAN INTELLIGENCE
held at The Los Angeles Airport Hilton Convention Center on
November 16 and 17, 1991. The transcript from which we will
quote is a revised and expanded version of the address written on
June of 1992 and is titled -- 'UFO'S, THE GRAND DECEPTION
"...AREA 51 is located in the northeastern corner of a vast, desolate stretch of land known as the Nevada Test Site (a large portion of which includes the Nellis Air Force Test Range) but has practically nothing to do with underground nuclear testing. It is located approximately 125 miles north-northwest of Las Vegas and consists of Groom Lake and the Papoose Lake Complexes. The presently expanding eastern portion of the latter complexes is known as the S-4 site.
"This entire area is under the strictest control of Airspace R-4808N (with unlimited 'ceiling'), prohibiting any entry therein of air traffic, civilian or military, unless special clearance for such entry is secured well in advance. By land, the area is meticulously patrolled 24-hours a day by several tiers of external security even through it is conveniently covered by the... Jumbled Hills (north of the Papoose Lake area), making it virtually impossible for anyone to see the facilities without first climbing atop the hills of the rugged mountain range which became off-limits to the public since 1985.
"The main external perimeter security is now being handled by Wackenhut Special Securities Division, part of the operations of Wackenhut Corporation, a worldwide semi-private security firm based in Coral Gables, Florida which has an exclusive contract with the U.S. Department of Energy and handles not only the perimeter security at the Nevada Test Site but also at many other secret facilities and sensitive installations throughout the U.S., and U.S. interests worldwide, including ground-level perimeters for several large underground facilities in and around Edwards Air Force Base in Southern California.
"It is also important to mention that dozens of unmanned, miniature-sized remote-controlled automatic security vehicles constantly patrol the immediate perimeters of the S-4 Site, located around (and presently expanding particularly towards the eastern portion of) Papoose Lake. These automatic, miniature- sized four-wheel vehicles have been produced by Sandia Laboratories of Albuquerque, New Mexico exclusively for the Department of Energy.
"The outer northeastern perimeters of this area located in the Tickaboo Valley come under the geographical jurisdiction of Lincoln County and are relegated to the Bureau of Land Management (B.L.M.). Yet it is considered highly unadvisable for anyone to even enter the main country dirt road, known as the Groom Road, which begins its southwestern extension towards Groom Lake from a point midway between mile marker 34 and 33 on Highway 375, and leads to the guard shack located two and a half miles northeast of the Groom Lake complexes.
"The first line of exterior security forces (dressed in military- type camouflage uniforms but with no insignia of any kind whatsoever) consists of the GP patrols (the 'Groom Proper' patrols, in Bronco-type four-wheel drive vehicles) who sometimes drive around at night with their lights off on various country dirt roads adjacent to the outer demilitarized zone, intimidating any civilian vehicle that tries to enter those access roads (off of Highway 375) located on public land. The GP patrols themselves (part of Wackenhut Special Securities Division), however, are strictly ordered to avoid any direct contact with civilians. They are only instructed to radio the Lincoln County Sheriff immediately should anyone be spotted driving on any of those dirt roads. The most common radio frequency used between Security Control and Lincoln County Sheriff's patrols is 138.306 MHZ.
"...The only area 'allowed' by the Sheriff for such curiosity seekers to 'congregate' is an open area near a black mailbox located at the south side of Highway 375 between mile marker 29 and 30. Even then, the Sheriff patrol will routinely stop by during the evening to check on the cars parked at the mailbox area.
"Moreover, it is our understanding, based on information provided by a highly reliable source connected to a special U.S. Navy SEAL operations center, that the mailbox area is constantly being monitored by high-powered, state-of-the-art, infra-red telescopes set up at a facility known as Security Control high atop Bald Mountain (10 miles west of the area), the highest peak in the Groom Mountain Range.
"...It was precisely at 4:45 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, April 16, 1992, that an NBC news crew, dispatched to the area to report on the landing of an alleged super spy-plane known as Aurora on Groom Lake, accidentally succeeded in video-taping the first flight (which we have been calling the 'Old Faithful') of [a] mysterious object while standing at the mail-box area and looking due south toward Jumbled Hills. The footage, taken with a night-scope vision camera, was broadcast nationally on NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw on April 20, 1992. The NBC News reported that it had video-taped a test flight of a new U.S. aerial craft that had definitely defied the laws of physics, and that the news team may thus have taken the first glimpse of the other 'deep black' projects (aside from the Aurora project) being conducted within the confines of the top-secret facility.
"Also in regards to the ongoing program, it is to be noted that usually a day or two prior to significant test flights (i.e., only if the test flight is a significant one, by whatever measure known only to the installation) a vehicle-traffic counter is laid on Highway 93, at approximately a mile and a half north of Ash Springs, right before the juncture of Highway 375. The other counter is set up about a half mile or so west upon entering Highway 375. The obvious question is: in such desolate, less-traveled areas of Nevada, why should there be such traffic counters installed on undivided, lonely highways? It is now my belief that the number of cars being registered that head out west on Highway 375 at such times (particularly in 'clusters', such as caravans) is relayed to several of the security posts at AREA 51, including the main observation post high atop the previously mentioned Bald Mountain. However, it is very possible that they may now have more sophisticated devices for registering the number of vehicles going through the area.
"The February 21, 1990 expedition was instrumental in the subsequent production of a two-hour documentary program entitled 'Saturday Super Special' televised throughout Japan on March 24, 1990 which was seen by more than 28 million viewers on prime time. The entire program dealt with AREA 51 and also the crew's pursuit of an alleged biogenetics laboratory thought to be located just outside of Dulce, a tiny town in northwestern New Mexico, about 95 miles northwest of Los Alamos.
"...The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory...seems to have a Parapsychology Research Unit that coordinates its research activities with DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). It is my understanding that some of their activities conducted under the auspices of the Office of Naval Intelligence are being held at locations such as AREA 51.
"ELF (extremely low frequency) wave-emitting devices, scalar machines, electromagnetic beam weapons and highly-defined hologramic projections are just a few examples of the many new types of mind-control 'weaponry' that the government seems to have developed in the past three decades or so. Newest researches on special types of hallucinatory and memory- tampering drugs are part of a growing 'arsenal' that the U.S. Naval Intelligence boasts to have developed in its own Parapsychology- Mind Control Unit.
"According to recent information provided to me by a highly reliable informant within a special operations group of the Department of the Navy, two of the most widely used devices will be R.H.I.C. (Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control) and E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of Memory). The first of the two, Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control, calls for the implantation of a very small, electronic, micro-radio receiver. It acts as a Stimulator which will stimulate a muscle or electronic brain response. This, in turn, can set off a 'Hypno-programmed' cue in the victim or subject, which would illicit a pre-conditioned behavior. The second one, Electronic Dissolution of Memory, calls for remotely-controlled production within the brain of Acetyl-Choline which blocks transmission of nerve impulses in the brain which results in a sort of Selective Amnesia. According to this source, in the hands of certain units within the intelligence community both of these methods are ALREADY BEGINNING TO BE USED! "An amazing article appeared in the Los Angeles Times on May 12, 1992 announcing that Caltech scientists have recently discovered and confirmed the presence of 'tiny magnetic particles in the brains of humans, similar to those that have heretofore been found in other animals.' (L.A. TIMES, Section A, page 3). According to the Caltech researchers, it is now an undeniable fact that every human brain contains a tiny natural magnetite particle, even from the time of conception. Could the government, particularly the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, have known this fact for a long time? The answer definitely seems to be in the affirmative! (Note: Perhaps the 'Philadelphia Experiment', described in Charles Berlitz' book of the same name, had an adverse affect on the 'electrochemical' or 'magnetite' particles in the brains of the experimental subjects. Could this explain why so many of them allegedly went insane after the 'tests'? - Branton)
"It is interesting also to note that as of this writing, many strange, turquoise-colored antenna-towers with triangular configurations on top, are beginning to be constructed along key areas near the freeway systems of many U.S. cities, particularly proliferating the Los Angeles and Orange County areas of California. According to several reports, these antenna-towers are presently being used as relay towers for the increasing networks of cellular telephone systems being operated by such firms as Pacific Bell and Telesis.
"Yet the most interesting aspect of the constructions of these strange antenna-towers is that there are increasing reports that the Department of Defense is somehow involved in this operation. The frequency waves being utilized in the cellular telephone communications are, according to several researchers, strikingly close to the range of frequency waves used in several ELF emission and microwave experiments of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory as well as D.A.R.P.A., the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. (Note: non-digital cellular telephone conversations can be easily intercepted. This writer has succeeded in listening in on cellular conversations by scanning through the upper frequencies of the UHF band on a normal television set! So then, along with the 'mind control' capabilities, it is evident that cellular phone conversations have also been heavily monitored by Military Intelligence - Branton) Will these towers be utilized throughout the nation?
"...A large underground genetics laboratory is thought to be located just outside of Dulce, a tiny town in the midst of the Jicarilla-Apache Indian Reservation located about 95 miles northwest of Los Alamos and 100 miles east of sinister-sounding Highway 666, the only stretch of highway in the U.S. with that designation and the only highway that links the four states of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah.
"Perhaps it may just be a pure 'coincidence' that this highway, befittingly named Highway 666, which originated in southeast Arizona and goes up north, cuts into northwestern New Mexico, right near the Four Corners area -- an area that happens to have one of the most consistently concentrated UFO sighting reports in the country since around 1947... This entire Four Corners area, especially northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado also has had some of the most concentrated reports of unexplained cattle mutilations in the nation during the late seventies and early eighties. Was something covertly taking place in those areas?
"Even though we could not locate the alleged underground genetics laboratory in Dulce when the Nippon Television crew and I visited the area in late February of 1990, I had several opportunities to interview scores of local residents there that admitted that nightly appearances of mysterious lights (occasionally accompanied by unmarked black helicopters) -- darting over, into and out of nearby Archuleta Mesa and Archuleta Mountains -- were quite common during the late seventies and early eighties.
"Many of them even claim to have spotted, on many occasions, military-type trucks and jeeps as well as government vans passing through Dulce and loitering around nearby mesas. Occasionally even black limousines carrying what appeared to be 'CIA' agent-types were claimed to have been sighted 'loitering' around the foothills of 'other' nearby mesas.
"We must bear in mind that the Dulce area is only 95 miles northwest of Los Alamos. Los Alamos National Laboratory is one of the top U.S. research laboratories specializing in the study of the human genome. Also it is a vital center of the government's SDI research and development programs. Just about a hundred miles southeast of Los Alamos is Albuquerque, New Mexico's largest city, and more significantly, a city where Kirtland Air Force Base is located right next to the sensitive Manzano Storage Facility, a top-secret underground military facility. Sandia Corporation, one of the nations top-secret government contractors specializing in top military-industrial projects is also located in Albuquerque.
"As far as advanced bio-technology is concerned, I have no doubt that a micro-chip implantation technology is being perfected in which tiny micro-chips could be implanted in our circulatory systems, vital organs and tissues if need be for whatever purpose the future may 'require'. It is my conclusion that a large-scale research has been completed by the government (with possible assistance from 'outside' sources) within the last 20 years or so utilizing tens of thousands of cattle in the Southwest to conduct this covert experiment. Only recently has science proven that cow hemoglobin could be substituted (by utilizing a special purification system) with human blood in situations of 'unforeseen national emergencies.'
Researcher David L. Dobbs of Cincinnati, OH., described the
following 'resume of report received... after the MUFON 40-meter
net on April, 5, 1980.':
"...Mike (DELETED), Iowa (DELETED), stated that during the period 1961-63 he performed radio maintenance at the atomic proving ground. He also did some top-secret radio work for the Air Force at times. The U-2 was developed here.
"'Area 51' was located 60 miles due east of the base camp, behind a mountain range separating it from Yucca Flat. Here a secret operation was performed under unbelievable security precautions known as 'Project Redlight.' A UFO which had been shipped from Edwards AFB was flown here. It was not conventionally powered, but was SILENT in operation. Mike assumed that this was the disc recovered intact and shown in the UFO movie reported by radar technicians. Security in Project Red Light was so strict that no one stayed there more than six months. Mike did not see this movie himself, however.
"While on vacation, he saw a story in Reader's Digest at his parent's home which told of a UFO exploding over the test site in 1962 while being flown. This would have been a recent story at the time. Mike is aware of the conventionally-powered disc built by the Air Force which was publicized. We both feel that this may have been a cover-up for the real project which he describes. He also heard the stories about parts from a UFO which could not be duplicated successfully by aerospace contractors on the west coast, and many of the rumors about UFOs which have emanated from Nellis AFB. Incidentally, Nellis AFB operated 'Area 51' where he says the UFO was flown.
"This information has bothered him for 20 years, and he wonders if it might be possible for documentation regarding 'Project Red Light' to be obtained under the Freedom of Information Act."
Referring to the subsurface regions, we quote now from yet another item that appeared in the N.A.R. newsletter, which was titled, 'IS INNER EARTH RESEARCH HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH?':
"An observation has recently been made that most of the outstanding inner earth researchers have died of heart attack (Note: Heart attack is reportedly one weapon or method of psychic attack that is recognized by those occultists who are familiar with 'voodoo' or 'psychic' warfare. Heart Attacks of this nature are allegedly induced by the use of intense TERROR that is 'projected' against individuals by the initiators of such attack. It is alleged that hominoid non-human beings such as the serpent races might have the ability to direct psychic attacks against human beings via the use of black magic, witchcraft or sorcery. It is interesting that there have been very few if any UFOlogists, etc., who claim to have taken up a devout 'Christian' lifestyle, who have physically suffered the 'negative' side of UFO research -- including encounters with MIBS, abductions, paralysis, heart attacks or other FEAR-ORIENTED forms of victimization. This suggests that a deep FAITH in the Creator may neutralize the FEAR that the aliens seem to depend on as their major "weapon" in their psychic attacks against humankind, making the 'believers' impervious to their otherwise destructive influences - Branton). Surely, this is beyond a simple coincidence. GRAY BARKER, DICK SHAVER, and JOAN O'CONNEL [New Atlantean Journal] are but a few (also, researcher CHARLES MARCOUX - Branton). Locally, there are several inner earth researchers who are very notable in their persistence.
"Lew Tery, who has recently relocated to Utah, was the foremost local proponent of (the) geomagnetic vortex/UFO connection theory. Lew was instrumental in the discovery of underground tunnel networks in the Las Vegas area, one of them being between the base of Boulder Dam and Jumbo Peak, where there are two mines whose owners view 200' diameter disks on a frequent basis. At one point, Lew offered to set up an interview with these miners. Alas, Mr. Tery is not to be found.
"A local Henderson resident, who shall remain nameless, has been into inner earth research for years. This person has been hounded and chased due to intimate knowledge of inner earth tunnels in the local area.
"There is obviously something here that some people wish to protect. Something to hide. Many seem to know what it is, and they speak cautiously about REPTILIAN HUMANOIDS and the SERPENT RACE, which are two subjects which seem to be surfacing again. Response to local television and radio programs featuring JOHN LEAR have been overwhelming. A recent lecture in Las Vegas drew over 700 people.
"According to some sources, the 'Greys' are the lower level
of a bigger scenario that involves this reptilian race..."
The following is a transcript of a letter which was sent by John Lear to researcher TAL LeVesque. The letter, dated October 6, 1990, states:
"Dear TAL... Many thanks for your recent, very interesting letter. I showed it to Bob (i.e. Lazar - Branton) and he thinks we are both crazy. He does not believe that Dulce exists. Bob went through extreme brainwashing at S-4 so I can understand his feelings. About the time that he was brainwashed, maybe a little before, he told me that Dulce was mentioned up there once or twice in conversations that he was not part of...but that he overhead. Since that time he has forgotten even that part. Since I know Dulce exists, what Bob thinks does not affect me in the least."A source of mine that is a security guard at the test site tells me that currently there are 5 types of aliens there: The Greys, the Orange, the reptilians, the ones that look like [the aliens] in the movie 'V' and the ones that look so ugly that they take your breath away until you get used to looking at them.
"I now believe that a very large Saucer crashed near Sedona, possibly 2 years ago and is in the process of being retrieved in sections, as it is too big to remove in one piece.
"The recent stories in Aviation Week, I believe, are attempts to buy more time, to mislead the public and to confuse the issue (Note: Lear is here referring to the article in the Oct. 1, 1990 issue of AVIATION WEEK AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, titled "Secret Advanced Vehicles Demonstrate Technologies For Future Military Use". The article referred only to the fairly well-known super- advanced jets being tested in Nevada, giving the impression that these may explain all of the 'UFO' sightings in the area - Branton).
"Again, I appreciate very much your fascinating letter and look forward to more information on Dulce... With much respect and admiration... JOHN LEAR."
In connection with the subject of this File, that is the 'invasion'
of an alien race from above and below utilizing mind-bending
techniques, psychological warfare, mind control and implantation,
we will quote from Brad Steiger's 'THE UFO ABDUCTORS' (1988.,
Berkley Books., N.Y.):
"In 1969 I and my research associates... Loring G. Williams and Glenn McWane, were bombarded with the claims of dozens of contactees who said that they had had an implant left somewhere in their skulls, usually just behind the left ear. These contactees/abductees came from a wide variety of occupations, cultural backgrounds, and age-groups.
"We employed private detectives and medical doctors... in an attempt to learn what archetype had been fed into their particular group consciousness. We never found any implants that were detectable to X rays, but our hypnotic sessions turned up an incredible amount of fascinating, albeit bizarre, information about underground UFO bases, hybrid aliens walking among us, and thousands of humans slowly turning into automatons because of readjusted brain wave patterns.
"...Dagmar and Carl R. have a farm in northeast Iowa about forty miles from the Mississippi River. One night in August of 1982, Carl observed what he called at the time a 'lantern in the sky' that hovered over him while he was working late in the field...
"In October that year, while Carl was working late in the field preparing for the annual corn harvest, he was startled to see the glowing 'lantern' return to the sky above him. It appeared to be the same object that he had seen in August.
"Although he tried to remain oblivious to the object, it seemed to be hovering above him, even following him up and down the corn rows. He became nervous and disconcerted and went back to the farmhouse, where he asked Dagmar to come out and witness the strange object.
"Dagmar was able to see the object, too, and they stood and watched it for several minutes before it suddenly moved high into the night sky and then sped off at a great rate of speed in a westerly direction.
"About three the next morning, Carl was awakened by the sound of cattle bellowing nervously in the stockyard. As he got out of bed and looked out the bedroom window, he saw a disk- shaped object hovering above the barnyard. It was glowing in a kind of greenish color..."
Following this, the couple was 'tranquilized' by the object or its occupants somehow, possibly by some kind of intoxicating, pacifying or STIM-ulating ray which apparently induced a drugged or trance-like electrochemical reaction in their brains and bodies, after which they were taken by some entities. A conventional 'abduction' sequence ensued, similar to that described by so many thousands of others. Steiger related the couples' afterthoughts concerning their abduction by 'smallish' large-eyed beings "with only nostril openings (rather than a pronounced nose) and with tight, expressionless lips."
Steiger continues: "While the young Iowa couple can remember no further UFO interaction since that particular autumn, they both admit to being nervous about having another encounter. Carl, especially, feels that he was used. Dagmar speculated that bits of her skin tissue might have been removed in the examination, and although she does not claim to be an expert in such matters, she wonders if enough of her body could be cloned in a way to interact with whatever embryo or fetus might have been fathered by the semen that was taken from her husband (Note: Dagmar claimed that during one part of the 'examination' a needle-like object was stuck into her abdomen. Many believe that this is one process by which the 'entities' extract ovum from human females - Branton).
"Not wanting to sound like victims of some science fiction thriller, the young couple have theorized that they might have been used in some strange program of creating hybrid beings. Perhaps, they suggest, Carl's semen was used to impregnate an alien female or an Earth female, who is somehow influenced by and under the control of alien beings. In either event, they are uncomfortable with the experience and with the memory of the encounter. Both of them feel as though they may have been used in ways opposed to their normal expression of will.
"Dagmar has gone even farther in her speculations by suggesting that if bits of her body could have been used to create a clone and if Carl's semen could somehow be used at a future time to impregnate such a clone, then alien beings could be breeding their own brand of humans as part of an organized program to create an army of human-like robots that would be totally under control of aliens in their master plan to conquer Earth.
"UFO investigator Richard Siefried was told by Pam Owens that she was taken aboard a UFO on November 25, 1978, while she was expecting a child. She was nineteen at the time, and she had no memory of the abduction until she was hypnotically regressed. Then she was able to give full and fascinating details of her encounter.
"Mrs. Owens told Siefried that she was paralyzed and able to move only her eyes. She lay helpless on a table and stared up in terror at two weird-looking creatures.
"According to Mrs. Owens, their heads were hairless, oversize domes, their eyes were big and sunk back in their skulls. The greenish skin covering their bodies was coarse. Each hand had four fingers that she described as being twice as long as a human's. And to her terror, one of those strange hands was holding a long silver needle, preparing to plunge it into her stomach..."
Dr. Clifford Wilson [M.A., B.D., Ph.D.], in his book "UFOS...
presents his own 'intelligence' or research concerning the on-
going invasion/infiltration of our society by alien powers:
"...Not only have many seen UFOs, but there is also a growing army of those who claim to have had actual contact with UFO occupants. An authoritative, and possibly conservative, estimate is that there are 50,000 silent contactees in the United States alone.
"It could well be there are thousands of people who do have information and are not prepared to reveal it because of threatened consequences to themselves. Possibly many do not know they have that 'knowledge' because they themselves gained it in a hypnotic state.
"HYPNOTIZED SLAVES AWAIT A SIGNAL - Nations could be conquered by the infiltration of agents into government seats of authority, and it is surely more frightening to think that mankind could be overcome and even destroyed by programmed men and women from within their own ranks. If there is indeed a final confrontation approaching, an army of people could be involved. They could be ready to take action which they themselves do not even anticipate, but yet with no option but to obey because they have been conditioned to obey, at a given signal.
"We are not alone in suggesting this dreadful possibility. To quote John Keel once again:
"'We have no way of knowing how many human beings throughout the world have been processed in this manner, since they would have absolutely no memory of undergoing the experience, and so we have no way of determining who among us has strange and sinister 'programs' lying dormant in the dark corners of his mind.
"'Suppose a plan is to process millions of people and then at some future date trigger all of those minds at one time? Would we suddenly have a world of saints? Or would we have a world of armed maniacs shooting at one another from bell towers?'
"If Armageddon, to which the Bible points, is indeed a final battle in which human and nonhuman forces alike wage that dreadful conflict to the death, this sort of 'programming' is a real possibility, and it appears to be proceeding at breakneck speed across the whole of the world. It is reported that the term 'Armageddon' has been used in a message to a contactee and other 'end of the world' messages have been given. Is there a desperate preparation for a last-ditch stand by the forces of evil, a final attempt to thwart the plans of the Holy God against Whom they have rebelled? Bible history gives many examples where Satanic forces have attempted completely to destroy God's plans that would result in total blessings for man. There has continually been a diabolical scheme to bending minds by deceitful assurances and 'brainwashing.' Post-hypnotic suggestions, with in-built commands for action to be triggered at a given signal, would fit the general pattern of rebellion consistently seen in the Bible records.
"A FRIGHTENING PROSPECT - The prospect if frightening. It is entirely possible that by post-hypnotic suggestion a whole army of people could suddenly find themselves willing slaves of intelligent beings who care nothing for the welfare of those slaves, or of the world itself as we know it. If there is some great super- plan of a spiritual counterattack to reach its culmination in Armageddon, it could well be that (this) army of slaves will be available to obey orders, without even knowing beforehand that they have been inducted into the armed forces of what the Bible refers to as the principalities and powers.
"The indications are that even children are at times utilized for the implementation of the plans of these evil powers. That possibility is illustrated by the following incident.
"On December 12, 1967, Mrs. Rita Malley was driving along a public highway to her home at Ithaca, New York, with her five- year-old son Dana in the back seat of her vehicle. At about 7:00 P.M. she suddenly realized that a red light was apparently following her, and as she was moving above the speed level, her first reaction was that she was about to be pulled over. She looked through her window and found that it was not a police car behind her but an eerie flying object, moving along above the power lines at the left of her car. Then she found she no longer had control of her vehicle, and shouted to her son to brace himself. However, he remained motionless as though he were in a trance.
"A white beam of light flashed down from the vehicle overhead, then she heard voices that sounded weird, broken, and jerky. She herself became hysterical, but through it all her son took no notice whatever of her cries. The radio was not on, but she heard those voices tell her that at that moment a friend of hers had been involved in a terrible accident some miles away. The next day she found that this was indeed true. The voices also told her that her son would not remember anything that had happened. The ordeal was terrifying to Mrs. Malley herself, and for some time afterward whenever she remembered the episode she would break down sobbing.
"...It would seem possible, then, that pliable children are especially useful for the purposes of these beings. Many children have been used as tools so that men and women would believe in these beings who have a plan whose totality has not yet been revealed.
"...These incidents are not limited to children. Mrs. Ralph Butler was watching flashing lights outside Owatonna in Minnesota one night in November, 1966. She was with a friend, and suddenly her friend became immobile, with her head dipped down. Mrs. Butler herself heard a voice talking to her, but soon the ordeal was over. However, when the two friends tried to discuss the incident later, both found they immediately suffered blinding headaches. Mrs. Butler also told of hearing strange voices on her radio, and of having peculiar visits from 'air force officers.' This pattern is reported by many who claim to have been contacted by UFO personnel.
"The Butler family have experienced various poltergeist phenomena since that 1966 experience -- glass objects moving around and breaking without any known cause, strange noises being heard throughout the house, even telephones and television sets being strangely interfered with (Note: Such activity often occurs during UFO encounters where there seems to be a COLLECTIVE involvement of paraphysical 'Poltergeists' or 'Infernals', Reptilians, and possibly 'controlled-cybernetic' Men In Black -- such activity as is typical of the malevolent powers that have allegedly established bases or 'empires' in systems such as Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Altair Aquilla, Zeta Reticuli, Bellatrix Orion, and Rigel Orion as well as their Solarian-subTerran counterparts - Branton).
"This sort of activity has followed many other supposed saucer sightings. The similarities between the stories are of such a nature as to cause surprise at first -- someone temporarily in a trance, men posing as air force or other officials, those men being slight in stature with dark olive skins and pointed features, and the contactees having dreadful headaches, hallucinations, and nightmares. Some of them have gone into trances and have temporarily become mediums through whom strange voices could be heard...
"A TAKEOVER ATTEMPT? -- Is there to be an attempt at a takeover? There surely are limitations to the life-giving powers of these UFO creatures... Man is the master of the ANIMALS, and despite seemingly way-out theories, such as monster INSECTS waiting to attack us, in fact man is still able to control the LESSER creatures... (Note: That is unless man accepts the propaganda and lies of the such lesser 'beasts' as the serpent races, etc., such as their claim that they created us genetically and are therefore our 'gods'. IF man believes such trash then he WILL NOT try to resist and appropriate the God-given dominion over these 'beasts' which the Creator has given to MAN-KIND. Not all, but MUCH of the power that the 'aliens' wield over humanity is the power that WE ourselves have capitulated or yielded to them, if we are to trust the Judeo-Christian version of history as a reality - Branton).
"EVIL FORCES ARE REAL - Even apart from my strong Christian beliefs, and my acceptance of the Bible as the revealed Word of God, I would have no doubt whatever as to the fact of spiritual beings, evil forces, and phenomena that cannot be explained by purely physical, psychical, or psychological concepts.
"If there is truth in this hypothesis, preparations would be going on -- just in case these overheard futurist interpretations happened to be correct..."
On July 30, 1992, radio announcer and reporter for RADIO
FREE AMERICA, Anthony J. Hilder, sent the following letter to
Patty Cafferata., Lincoln County District Attorney., Pioche,
Nevada 89043., 702-962-5171. Several dozen copies were sent
by Hilder to other researchers as well as several activist, political,
legal, media, patriot, congressional, and (real) 'National Defense'
"Dear Mrs. Cafferata: I am calling on the Attorney General of the State of Nevada to initiate an immediate 'FULL SCALE' Grand Jury Investigation into the activities of the Wackenhut S.S., your office and the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department. The reason for the urgency of this action is because of the rapidly increasing number of 'LIFE THREATENING' situations CREATED by unidentified paramilitary personnel who operate under the color of law to harass, intimidate and suppress the constitutional rights of many hundreds of American citizens and Japanese nationals who come to view the Unidentified Flying 'Saucer-Shaped Disks' being tested over your county.
"It is my prayer that with the prodding of the people and the press that the Attorney General will launch 'this investigation' in time to avert one of these innocent individuals from being murdered by that paramilitary mob or winding up as a permanent prisoner in one of the 'strange' underground 'experimental laboratories' below Dreamland and S-4 within the Nellis Test Range.
"During my conversation with you on the afternoon of June 6, I made repeated attempts to acquire the names of six individuals who were arrested last month by the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department somewhere in the Tickaboo Valley. As a reporter, I sought your professional cooperation. I did not get it.
"Not only did you refuse to reveal the names of those arrested and their 'alleged' violation of law -- you continually badgered me for my home address, phone number and specifically just what radio stations would be broadcasting the story. Could it be that you wanted to 'cover-up' the story? As I stated, I simply wanted to cover the event.
"I am curious as to the reason you would attempt to prevent the media from reporting the arrest. Obviously you didn't want me to contact those people for their side of the story before their arraignment. Is there something you fear from honest disclosure? What is it that you don't want to know? Could it be that these arrests were illegal?
"Did the Sheriff's Department violate 'the constitutional rights' of these citizens, Mrs. Cafferata? Has it become the policy of Lincoln County Sheriff's Department WITH YOUR APPROVAL and under the color of law, to 'HARASS AND INTIMIDATE' the curious onlookers who come to your county to sit beneath the stars in the high desert, hoping to see and possibly photograph the strange and 'alien lights' in the night sky for which that region has now become famous? Is this a crime in Nevada? One might wonder if Lincoln has now become the first county in a 'Hitlerian Superstate' of a NEW WORLD ORDER -- where freedoms are suppressed and terror tactics are 'public policy'?
"...It's definitely not a TOP SECRET that what's going on within the bowels of those underground bunkers at S-4 and Area 51 in the Nellis Test Site is 'ABOVE TOP SECRET'. Obviously there's something very strange going on out there that the 'BLACK PROJECT BOYS' have to hide regardless of what it costs. If the public were to become aware of what these 'Dr. Strangelove's' were 'creating' in those underground laboratories -- I believe the world would be shocked and horrified beyond all belief.
"Need I remind you that it is your responsibility as District Attorney of Lincoln County to UNCOVER -- NOT COVER UP crimes that are being committed in your county. Other questions arise. Is there a dereliction of duty by the District Attorney's office? Do you have a conflict of interest? And for whom do you serve?
"I am deeply concerned as is the American Civil Liberties Union in seeing that the constitutional rights of all Americans who live in or pay a visit to Lincoln County are PROTECTED -- NOT VIOLATED by the WACKENHUT S.S. (Security Service), your Sheriff's Department, or anyone else.
"Correct me if I am wrong, but at one time or another did you not take some sort of oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States? Or is the Lincoln County District Attorney EXEMPT from upholding such 'antiquated trivialities' as the United States Constitution?
"Would you be willing to share with me information as to how and why the Wackenhut S.S. is ALLOWED by your office under the color of law to STOP, INTIMIDATE AND HARASS 'sightseers' on PUBLIC land? Are they 'ABOVE THE LAW'? Are they IMMUNE TO PROSECUTION?
"What law is it that allows the WACKENHUT S.S. to drive unlicensed vehicles on county roads in the state of Nevada at speeds far exceeding the posted limit? Does your office now allow them to search sightseers' vehicles without warrants? Maybe some judge in Lincoln County issued them 'POCKET WARRANTS'? And if so, what judge has the legal authority in this country to issue such 'invisible warrants' to the WACKENHUT S.S. or any other PARAMILITARY MOB? What law gives you the legal authority to allow the WACKENHUT S.S. to stop, interrogate and intimidate sightseers, tourists, campers and naturalists? Or for that matter, do they need ask your permission at all? Are they a law unto themselves?
"Are these 'HITLERIAN HARASSERS' CIA, NSA, 'Black Project', U.N. or paramilitary personnel? Just where is the law in Lincoln County? Asleep? Or do you simply WINK YOUR EYE at all those Orwellian incidents?
"The obvious collusion between Wackenhut and the Sheriff's Department necessitates that these questions be asked. It has become EVEN MORE NECESSARY to prevent our freedoms from disintegrating -- that these questions be answered.
"Who are these men who stand behind LOADED FULLY AUTOMATIC WEAPONS, show NO IDENTIFICATION, wear camouflaged clothing, DISPLAY NO BADGES, wear no emblems, drive unlicensed vehicles and who show no warrants when they stop and interrogate American citizens on American soil? They demand to see identification, social security cards, driver's licenses, take pictures of the sightseers, record their conver- sations, search their cars and write down the license plate numbers for 'zher files' just like in Nazi Germany. They have even on occasion drawn their weapons and aimed them at American citizens -- with what can only be described as INTENT TO KILL -- should the 'sightseers' not instantly obey their commands. Surely you must be aware that all this is taking place on public 'tax-payer owned' land in your county. Why are you allowing this, Mrs. Cafferata?
"Who are these paramilitary people that you seemingly protect from prosecution? Under whose authority do these NEO- FASCIST FORCES operate? Yours? MJ-12? Some cryptic banking cartel? The Skull and Bones? The Jason Society? Global 2000? The Tri-Lates? I know it's not the Boy Scouts, Mrs. Cafferata. Just who is running the show?
"I doubt seriously that the average citizen of Lincoln County who pays your salary has any idea what's going on. I feel quite certain that the residents of Rachel, Pioche and Alamo haven't secretly met with you in some obscure smoke-filled back-room to persuade you to make sure that the WACKENHUT S.S. remains 'immune' from criminal prosecution.
"I don't quite understand why you're doing what you're doing or rather NOT DOING. Does somebody have some sort of hold on you? Does some 'secret society' pay for your co-operation? or are you and the Sheriff's Department just working with the Wackenhut S.S. VOLUNTARILY, without pay?
"In Nazi Germany, Hitler had a quasi-government group called the S.S. Beyond their borders, they called the collaborators WAFFEN S.S. They were authorized by the Fuhrer to operate 'BEYOND THE LAW'. Is this the case in Lincoln County? Has the Wackenhut S.S. replaced the WAFFEN S.S.?
"Under what law have you allowed unmarked black helicopters to buzz, harass and threaten the lives of tourists in Lincoln County? If these aircraft are not, by the law, allowed to threaten the lives of people who come to Tickaboo Valley 'to see the sights', then why hasn't your office prosecuted these criminals? Are they above the law? Or has 'SELECTIVE PROSECUTION' replaced CRIMINAL JUSTICE in Lincoln County?
"Are you ready to testify in a court of law that you are 'unaware' that BLACK HELICOPTERS have been swooping down upon innocent travelers -- in an attempt to scare them or try to kill them?
"...If you don't recollect any such incident, let me remind you but one. Norio Hayakawa, Gary Schultz and a party of sightseers were buzzed by an unmarked helicopter -- in a LIFE- THREATENING MANNER in May of 1991.
"Under what law do you allow such outrage to occur over Lincoln County roads? Have you bothered to even so much as 'discuss' this attack with those who authorized it? Why haven't they been brought to court to explain their OFFENSIVE ACTION taken against those innocent, unarmed people? Did you make NO ATTEMPT WHATSOEVER to prosecute the perpetrators of that crime? Might I remind you that it occurred over a Lincoln County road, which is under your jurisdiction?
"...On March 26 of this year Norio Hayakawa and Shinichiro Namiki were stopped by Undersheriff Gary Davis and Deputy Sheriff Doug Lamoreaux, at which time their camera equipment was 'FORCIBLY CONFISCATED' on public land by these TWO ARMED MEN. In years gone by this was considered HIGHWAY ROBBERY. Under what law do you justify such outrage now? or is theft now legal in Lincoln County?
"Is it not incumbent upon you to at the very least bring Lamoreaux and Davis up before a judicial hearing in front of an unbiased judge? In case you've lost their numbers, Mrs. Cafferata, you can reach Undersheriff Davis at 702-725-3447 and Deputy Sheriff Lamoreaux at 702-725-3645 in their off-hours when they might be more inclined to give some straightforward answers about this outrageous behavior.
"I realize that you are at the very least angered by my inquiries. If your arrogant attitudes towards this reporter is any example of how you slip, slide, duck and hide from inquiries by others in the Fifth Estate -- you must hold those of us in the media with very deep disdain. Your attitude reminds me of Richard Nixon. He had a similar attitude towards the free press, but you are in good company -- so did Adolph Hitler.
"This country has been very good to me, Mrs. Cafferata. I owe a great debt to our forefathers who had the courage to stand up and speak out against tyranny imposed upon them by King George. They had to fight for the freedom we enjoy in this greatest nation on earth. So I am not about to remain silent, turn my back and do nothing as you would prefer me to do while I see our constitutional rights that they FOUGHT and died for twisted and turned by the knaves of Lincoln County law enforcement.
"I realize that you are paid handsomely to do and say what you do, Mrs. Cafferata. I have no problem with you making money, just as long as you don't 'sell out' our freedoms to obtain your fortune. Our freedoms are not for sale and we are not willing to see you surrender them to some 'Neo-Fascist' NEW WORLD ORDER. I fear that if your belligerent behavior is allowed to remain UNCHALLENGED in Lincoln County, Nevada may well be on its way to becoming Nazi-ized.
"I thank God that we still have freedom of speech and expression in this country. In the Commu-nazi nations of this world I would be investigated and subject to arrest for daring to make such inquiries of even a tank-town backwoods bureaucrat. Up until recently in the Soviet 'SLAVE SYSTEM' the KGB would concoct evidence against individuals like Solzhenitzen who dared to bring to light the grizzly Hitlerian horrors happening in the Gulag Archipelago.
"As deeply as you might be in 'COVERING' for those who are 'COVERING UP' the Nightmares at Nellis, I believe that you will soon discover that the overwhelming majority of those who receive this letter are far more dedicated to 'UNCOVERING CRIMES' being committed against American citizens in your neck of the world -- than you will be in prosecuting crimes committed in Lincoln County.
"Incidentally, irrespective of how 'new' you might think that President Bush's NEW WORLD ORDER is, his 'presidential proclamation' is definitely not new. Adolph Hitler used the exact same words to describe 'his plan' for Global Government some fifty years ago. Now Bush claims he wants to accomplish it 'IN A KINDER AND GENTLER WAY.' But that's just on TV -- for the mindless masses. For your edification THE NEW WORLD ORDER is the title of Hitler's second book......the first one was MEIN KAMPF. It served the Fuhrer and his Fascist followers who justified the INHUMAN WRONGS of 'HUMAN RIGHTS' committed throughout Europe. This included justification for Dr. Joseph Mengele's monstrous 'MEDIAL EXPERIMENTS' that were performed on the unsuspecting population in order to develop a MASTER RACE.
"Of course there's a difference between Bush and Hitler's phraseology. Hitler talked about a THOUSAND-YEAR REICH. Bush talks about a THOUSAND POINTS OF LIGHT.
"I know that it shatters your senses for someone like myself to suggest that 'GENETIC ENGINEERING' and 'MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS' could be going on in the miles of tunneled underground facilities at S-4 and Groom Lake -- and that history could be repeating itself, yet this topic has come up repeatedly over the past year -- from 'several sources'.
"I recall one case in point when the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department picked up a young black woman named Trassie Wingfield who was wandering about in the Tickaboo Valley one night near the perimeter of the base. As I understand it she's in the Navy and is stationed out of Hawaii. She claimed to have been abducted and brought to 'the facility' twice for 'medical experiments'. Did your office investigate her charges? And if not, why not?
"According to the FBI and Department of Justice records, well over 300,000 children end up MISSING AND UNACCOUNTED FOR in this country every year. Where do you think these 'MILK CARTON KIDS' disappear to, Mrs. Cafferata? Certainly they can't all get swallowed up in the inner cities or wind up in shallow graves off lonely backwoods roads or served up on the table of some psychopathic cannibal.
"In Bill Hamilton's book 'COSMIC TOP SECRET' there may be an answer to this question. In it is described a literal Hitlerian 'hell under the earth' which was created at a TOP SECRET- BLACK PROJECT base called Dulce. That one is located in New Mexico, not far from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. I have enclosed two pages from Hamilton's book for your review. Though I suspect you will -- I pray that you don't -- take these murderous matters lightly.
"I have recently heard stories of people who, under hypnosis, have described in nightmarish terms what goes on in these God-forsaken underground facilities like DREAMLAND. Based upon what I have heard, I can only describe the 'HELL-HOLES' as 'FRANKENSTEIN FACTORIES'. According to my sources, these laboratories are run by a small army of I.G.O.R.S. (the Invisible GOvernment's RobotonS) who follow 'the party line' as did their Nazi predecessors who ran the Hitlerian Hospitals at Auschwitz and Dachau.
"I don't know what Hitlerian horrors are happening out there with PROJECT REDLIGHT but I feel it's imperative to ask the Attorney General of the State of Nevada to appoint a special (independent, non-government) investigative team to uncover just what kind of 'experimentation' is going on in the underground facilities at S-4 and Groom Lake (if these biogenetic experiments are taking place in United States territory, should not they be subject to the same Federal regulations that all of the other Medical Institutions are subject to? - Branton). The country has the right to know if the missing 'MILK CARTON KIDS' are being used for 'genetic engineering' and if adult 'abductees' are used for mutation experiments and body parts.
"I would think that if you refuse to cooperate with such an investigative team or to even address this issue -- one might conclude that you, like your predecessors, are following close to 'the party line'.
"A final question about 'THE FINAL SOLUTION', Mrs. Cafferata. As you know, Adolph Hitler was reported to have ordered HIS I.G.O.R.S. to gas millions of innocents in 'death camps' like Auschwitz and Dachau 'TO CLEANSE' the world of the Jewish problem. Did you ever ask yourself what happened to those atomic scientists in Germany who were developing the A-Bomb and the dozens of doctors who conducted those medical experiments on human beings? Is it merely coincidental that there exists many thousands of Malthusian Minded Men who openly accept 'MASS MURDER' as necessary to bring about a NEW WORLD ORDER? These Orwellian ONE WORLDERS working within the Bush 'Black Projects' believe that the world's population has to be reduced by 1,2500,000,000 people by the year 2000 (25%). If you don't believe, there are madmen with this mind-set... Read GLOBAL 2000's MASTER PLAN.
"These Malthusian men have the minds of monsters. They use 'controlled conflicts' (war), 'bacteriological warfare' (AIDS), sterilization, mandatory abortion and 'weather modification' to create droughts that result in mass starvation. To achieve their 'end objective' for global government upon the ashes of all national-sovereignty they are willing to mass-murder millions. That requires, of course, the 'cooperation' of officials like you, Mrs. Cafferata, to follow 'the party line'.
"I know it's very hard for you to accept, even in your wildest thoughts, that an AMERICAN AUSCHWITZ could exist UNDER American soil. I bet it's even harder for you to conceive that it could be fully functioning in Lincoln County. Are you willing to testify in a court of law that it doesn't exist there, Mrs. Cafferata?
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